Guide to Basel

Travel guide to Basel created for Tengbom Architects’ field trip. Inside the slipcase you’ll find a Z-folded guide to restaurants, bars and sights to explore in Basel. There’s also a workbook, a postcard and walking routes printed on transparent paper to place over your map, and a letter from the team. And a visual list of what to bring, of course.

My role concept design, creative direction, art direction, graphic design, illustration, photography, research

Client: Tengbom
Edition: 1000

Together with:
Lisa Marie Mannfolk, writer & research
Ida Nilsson, writer & research

Printed at Göteborgtryckeriet
ISBN 978-91-639-4332-4


& map

The illustrated map highlights some of the most iconic architecture and important historical places of the area. A seamless alteration of the map is wrapping itself around the slipcase.

To support the photos and create a dynamic identity, it was important to find an alternative illustrative style which didn’t compete with the concurrently visual expressions. The result is quite minimalistic, all black-and-white.

The guide is a 16-spread double-sided Z-fold containing everything from an interview with the famous local architect Harry Gugger and hints on how to best swim in the Rhine River to walking routes and practical information.


The workbook has a distinct school-feel with dotted, lined and checked pages to fill in for every point in the busy field trip schedule. There are questions and small tasks that calls for reflection in line with the company’s values and strategy.


Documenting photography of places and people, focusing on architecture and spaciousness.




Lunch & Learn